CAVALIN Catherine

After an interdisciplinary training in social sciences and about ten years of teaching in economic and commercial preparatory classes, Catherine Cavalin coordinated the survey Événements de vie et santé (EVS) at the Direction de la Recherche, des Études, de l’Évaluation et des Statistiques (DREES) of the Ministry of Health. This survey focuses on the relationship between violence suffered and health status, the subject of her doctoral thesis in sociology (defended in 2016). From 2009 to 2012, she worked on the relationship between health, work and employment at the Centre d'études de l'emploi et du travail. From 2012 to 2017, in the ERC SILICOSIS team (Centre d'études européennes de Sciences Po), Catherine Cavalin produced unpublished data, combining statistical sources (existing or built ad hoc) and qualitative survey materials, to shed light on correlations between working and living conditions and various unexplained chronic diseases. In 2017-2018, several publications (in social sciences and medicine) are to be published: on the etiology of diseases, on investigation methods and on the socio-environmental definition of the diseases studied (e. g. rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, systemic scleroderma). See: Since September 2017, Catherine Cavalin has been a policy officer at the Human Rights Defender at IRISSO.

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