Céline Lutoff is a professor and researcher in social sciences at the Université Grenoble Alpes, Institut de Géographie Alpine since 2001. It is linked to the Laboratoire PACTE. It works on social vulnerability and adaptation to extreme natural phenomena (earthquakes and flash floods in particular). As such, it works in close collaboration with researchers in geosciences laboratories (LTHE and ISTerre for example). Between 2006 and 2015, she built and managed a team of researchers in the Laboratoire PACTE working on the environment and risks (team is associated with the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble). It works to develop interdisciplinarity between geosciences and the human and social sciences, both in terms of research and training. She is involved in an international master's degree called HydroHasards and in 2011 she directed the first international and interdisciplinary summer school "Water and Society .
Articles published on this website:
- Natural disasters: when the environment becomes a threat, published in Society, Sociology and political science - The Wednesday 21 September 2016