Christian Lallement, hydraulic engineer, worked at the Rhone Mediterranean Corsica Water Agency, then in several departments of EDF (Electricité de France), Direction de la Production et de l'Ingénierie Hydraulique. Its activity has led it to operate flow measurement networks (in the Massif Central, Corsica, the Rhone and Rhine basins), to contribute to the improvement of measurement systems (flow and its remote transmission), to the development of data criticism tools, to assist decision-making in the drawing of tare curves, to enhance the value of old hydrometric data, to take into account historical information (XV-XIX century) for determining past floods. From 1990 to 2000, Christian Lallement was president of the commission française de normalisation de la mesure des débits en canaux découverts. He has been retired since July 1, 2017, after having held the position of Directeur Eau Environnement at the Unité de Production Hydraulique Alpes.

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