ROUX Frank

Frank ROUX has been a Professor at the Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier since 2003, after having been a Chargé and then Director of Research at the CNRS since 1981. His research, conducted at Laboratoire d’aérologie in the « Atmosphère, Océan et Couplages » team, focus on atmospheric disturbances in tropical and mid-latitudes (storms, storms, cyclones), based on in situ and remote sensing observations (radar and satellite) as well as on numerical simulations, in order to better understand the dynamic, thermodynamic, microphysical and electrical processes that explain their structure, evolution and predictability. In recent years, he has focused his attention on the initial conditions of cyclone formation in relation to large-scale disturbances in the tropical atmosphere.
Articles published on this website:
- Monsoons, published in Air, Meteorological phenomena - The Tuesday 14 December 2021
- Tornadoes: powerful devastating eddies, published in Air, Meteorological phenomena - The Monday 20 June 2016
- Tropical Cyclones: impacts and risks, published in Air, Meteorological phenomena - The Monday 20 June 2016
- Tropical Cyclones: development and organization, published in Air, Meteorological phenomena - The Friday 17 June 2016
- Thunderstorms: electricity in the air, published in Air, Meteorological phenomena - The Wednesday 08 June 2016