PEIRY Jean-Luc

After having managed the UMR 6042 GEOLAB in Clermont-Ferrand for nine years, Jean-Luc Peiry has been seconded to the l’Unité Mixte Internationale « Environnement, Santé, Sociétés » in Dakar since September 2016, where he is deputy director. A physicist geographer, he is a specialist in fluvial hydrogeomorphology and works on the transformation of rivers by humans and on the interactions between hydrogeomorphological and ecological processes (alluvial vegetation, benthic microorganisms). In Senegal, he is involved in research conducted in the Sahel region in connection with the development of the Pan-African Great Green Wall as part of the activities of the International Tsekere Observatory on People and Environments. His research focuses on the hydrology (water resource and quality) of temporary rainy season pools, pond/plant biodiversity interactions, and carbon sequestration by Sahelian tree species.
Articles published on this website:
- The Great Green Wall: a hope for greening the Sahel?, published in Life, Conservation and remediation - The Monday 14 January 2019