Martin Ménégoz has been involved in research topics related to climate and glaciology since 2006. CNRS researchers at the Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement since 2019, he studies climate and cryosphere variations from observations and digital models. With a varied background, from his thesis at Météo-France obtained in 2009, through several research contracts in France and abroad, he has studied climatic variations through various issues, in particular the impact of pollution on the climate, the evolution of snow and glaciers, or climate forecasting on seasonal to decadal scales. He articulates his research activities with his profession as a high mountain guide, which allows him to combine his passion for mountaineering with the observation of socio-environmental changes in the mountains.
Articles published on this website:
- Glaciers in the high mountains of Asia in the face of climate change, published in Climate, The recent climate - The Wednesday 21 September 2022