

1. 水坝的位置和用途

1.1. 全球范围内的水坝规模

图1. 法国本土水道中存在的构筑物类型;其他:含堤防,河交叉拱,网格和养鱼场。注:Obstacles non:未指定构筑物;Ponts:桥梁;Barrage:大坝;Seuils en:水道;Autres:其他。

  截至2018年,全球约有80万座水坝[1] [2],其中有58,519座水坝达到大型水坝标准[3]。目前全球48%的河流处于被调控和/或被分割的状态[4]。水坝在过去20年的建设速度相对缓慢,但近年来却以前所未有的建设数量快速增长,如果以目前的建设速度,预计到2030年,93%的河流将会被调控和/或分割。

图2. 欧洲河道受大型水坝建设影响的调控程度,灰色的河流表明上游没有大坝。注:Degre de regulation:调节控制程度。

  法国共有569座大型水坝[5],占法国国家河道人工构筑物的 13%,(作为对比,潜水坝的占比为57%)[6](图1)。另外大坝对于河道[8]调控程度会受到大坝位置的影响[7](图2)。调控程度越高,河道的自然功能被影响的就越多(如水的停留时间)。水坝在法国分布非常不均衡,在卢瓦尔盆地上游的多尔多涅河、罗纳河和阿尔卑斯山脉的分布最多。

1.2. 水坝的作用


  • 柔性结构,如回填土坝(与重力坝具有相同特性);
  • 刚性结构,如重力坝(压在地面上,水坝重量单独可以承受水库中水所施加的推力。图3);拱型坝(拱形,水的推力被传递到山谷两侧和河岸);支墩坝(大型混凝土墙位于支墩上并将水压推向地面)。
图3. 用于水力发电的重力坝。

  基岩性质、地形、集水区固体输入、河流水文状况和开发河谷形貌是决定坝体类型的主要因素。它们的特殊性将决定水坝的使用和管理。1675年在米迪运河建造的圣费雷奥大坝,高30 米,是法国第一座大型水坝[9]。建造该类型的水坝主要为满足以下需求:

图4. 全球为工业活动(特别是采矿和冶金活动)供水的大坝的其它功能分布。工业活动耗水量巨大,特别是在19世纪中叶的法国。注:Navigation pisciculture 养殖业;Loisirs 休闲娱乐;Controle des crues 洪水调控;Approvionment en eau 进水控制;Hydro-electricite 水力发电;Irrigation 灌溉;Autres 其他。
  • 为工业活动(特别是采矿和冶金活动)供水。工业生产耗水量很大,特别是在19世纪中叶;
  • 饮用水供水水源;
  • 灌溉;
  • 用于水力发电(主要从20世纪开始);
  • 增加枯水期流量并控制洪水;例如塞纳河在20世纪初发生大洪水之后,就建造了被称为 “塞纳河大湖”的水库大坝;
  • 内陆航行。


2. 水坝如何影响沉积物的连续性


图5. 大坝对上游沉积物粒度筛分的影响。注:Vitesse de courant:流速; Graulometrie:粒度;depots grossiers(delta):粗沉积物 ;depots fins(boue):细小沉积物。

  水坝可以在河道的很长一段距离内对从上游到下游的泥沙等沉积物流动造成扰动,有时甚至可以延伸到河口处。水坝作为一道物理屏障可以有效固定沉积物。据估计从流域集水区带来的沉积物中有70% ~ 90%被截留[10] [11],并且沉积物按照粒度大小被筛分。例如,粗大的卵石或沙子会在水库中堆积,这将影响下游贫水区和河滨生态系统的生物栖息环境,随着时间推移还会促使河床下沉(或出现切口)。





3. 如何处理沉积物随时间不断累积的问题?


  • 通过影响水电大坝的储水量来降低水电大坝的运行效率;
  • 影响水资源管理;
  • 削弱或加速大坝结构的老化,从而影响其安全性;例如,在阿尔卑斯山罗曼奇河上建造的尚邦水坝,颗粒物的沉积使其构造出现断裂的风险,因此从2013年起对大坝展进行加固;
  • 影响其调控洪水的作用(上限);
  • 永久减少下游河道中沉积物的数量和粒度。



  • 减少大坝上游沉积物的输入量;
  • 清洗去除已经积累的沉积物;
  • 使沉积物在特定时间通过大坝或绕过大坝(请阅读焦点)。



4. 受污染沉积物大量排放的风险

图6. 枯水期的Vaussaire大坝。在某些条件下潮汐引起的水位差可达数米。沉积物暴露于空气中会促进其中的某些反应(尤其是氧化反应)。






5. 需记住的信息

  • 预计到2030年会恢复大型水坝的建设,不可否认它们会在发电和储能、洪涝和干旱调节、农业灌溉等方面发挥至关重要的作用。
  • 但是,水坝形成了一道物理屏障,特别是改变了有关水道的水文状况、理化性质和固体物质负荷。
  • 偶尔也存在可以恢复沉积物迁移的解决方案,但是对人造水库的沉积物进行管理很困难,因为在沉积过程中,由于停留时间很长,这些沉积物会富集大量有机和无机污染物。



封面图片:上莫里安河谷上游及下游大坝计划 [来源:© Photo A. Courtin-Nomade.]

[1] McCully, P., (2001). Silenced rivers: the ecology and politics of large dams. Zed Books Publisher

[2] Friedl, G. & Wüest, A. (2002). Disrupting biogeochemical cycles – Consequences of damming. Aquatic Sciences, 64, 55-65.

[3] 坝高超过15米以上,在基础水平之上或着在5米和15米之间,容量大于3亿立方米。http://www.icold-cigb.net/home.asp, January 2018

[4] Grill, G., Lehner, B., Lumsdon, A.E., MacDonald, G.K., Zarfl, C., Lierman,n, C.R. (2015). An index-based framework for assessing patterns and trends in river fragmentation and flow regulation by global dams at multiple scales. Environmental Research Letters, 10, 1-15.

[5] Zarfl, C., Lumsdon, A.E., Berlekamp, J., Tydecks, L., Tockner, K., (2015). A global boom in hydropower dam construction. Aquatic Sciences, 77, 161-170

[6] 固定或移动构筑物部分或完全阻塞河流河床,对比下,大坝会阻塞更多河床的大坝。

[7] 河道状况(如流量)的变化可能会受监管力度的影响,特别是水停留时间。大力度的监管意味着在特定年份大量临时储存的水排放的可能性很大。水体临时储存和释放将改变河流的自然状况,且由于水库内水体的停滞和分层,会影响如温度、溶解氧浓度或固体物质负荷(悬浮固体)等参数。因此具有多年蓄水能力且其运行完全由需水量(例如,低水位上升、洪水调节)控制的水库的调节度高于100%。

[8] Lehner, B., Liermann, C. R., Revenga, C., Vörösmarty, C., Fekete, B., Crouzet, P., Döll, P., Endejan, M., Frenken, K., Magome, J., Nilsson, C., Robertson, J. C., Rödel, R., Sindorf, N., Wisser, D., (2011). High-resolution mapping of the world’s reservoirs and dams for sustainable river-flow management. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment, 9, 494-502.

[9] Bordes, J.L., (2006). Les barrages du XVIIe siècle à la fin du XIXe, transferts technologiques et modes d’élaboration des ouvrages, in Les Archives de l’invention, colloque des 26-27 mai 2003, Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers, Toulouse, CNRS/Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, 227-240

[10] Vörösmarty, C.J., M., M., Fekete, B., Sharma, K., Green, P. & Syvitski, J.P. (2003) Anthropogenic sediment retention: major global impact from registered river impoundments. Global and Planetary Change, 39, 169-190

[11] Toniolo, H., Schultz, J. (2005). Experiments on sediment trap efficiency in reservoirs. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management, 10, 13-24

[12] Pacini, N., Donabaum, K., De Villeneuve, P.H., Konecny, C., Pineschi, G., Pochon, Y., Salerno, F., Schwaiger, K., Tartari, G., Wolfram, G., Zieritz, I. (2013). Water quality management in a vulnerable large river: the Nile in Egypt. International Journal of River Basin Management, 11, 205-219.

[13] Van Maren, D.S., Yang, S.-L., He, Q. (2013). The impact of silt trapping in large reservoirs on downstream morphology: the Yangtze River. Ocean dynamics, 63, 691-707.

[14] Dhivert, E., Grosbois, C., Coynel, A., Lefèvre, I., Desmet, M. (2015). Influences of major flood sediment inputs on sedimentary and geochemical signals archived in a reservoir core (Upper Loire Basin, France). Catena, 126, 75-85

[15] Laura, M., Tartari, G., Salerno, F., Valsecchi, L., Bravi, C., Lorenzi, E., Genoni, P., Guzzella, L. (2017). Climate Change Impacts on Sediment Quality of Subalpine Reservoirs: Implications on Management. Water, 9, 680.

环境百科全书由环境和能源百科全书协会出版 (www.a3e.fr),该协会与格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学和格勒诺布尔INP有合同关系,并由法国科学院赞助。

引用这篇文章: COURTIN-NOMADE Alexandra (2024年3月9日), 如何协调解决水坝和泥沙沉积问题?, 环境百科全书,咨询于 2024年12月21日 [在线ISSN 2555-0950]网址: https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/zh/eau-zh/how-reconcile-dams-sediment-transport/.


How to reconcile dams and sediment transport?

True technical feats, dams have a variety of functions. Thanks to hydroelectricity, they are at the forefront of our renewable energy resources. Their reservoirs allow flood control, support for low water levels, irrigation and the development of recreational facilities. But through sediment capture, they can significantly alter the watercourse regime, the fertility of downstream soils and associated ecosystems, and ultimately the shape of our coasts. What are the main challenges facing their designers to limit these effects?

1. Location and usefulness of dams

1.1. Dams on a global scale: some figures

cours eau france -barrages - obstacles barrages france - type obstacles watercourses metropolitan france - dams
Figure 1. Type of obstacles present in watercourses in metropolitan France. Other: dikes, river groins, grids and fish farms. [Source: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 FR license, modified, from: http://www.statistiques.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/indicateurs-indices/f/1965/1115/continuite-ecologique-cours-deau.html]
In 2018, there were approximately 800,000 works worldwide [1],[2] including 58,519 buildings qualified as “large” dams [3].

Globally, 48% of rivers are currently regulated and/or fragmented [4]. After a relative stagnation in construction over the past 20 years, there has been an unprecedented increase in the number of projects or constructions of this type of structure in recent years [5]. If the current rate of construction is maintained, 93% of rivers will be regulated and/or fragmented by 20304.

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Figure 2. Degree of regulation of watercourses throughout Europe affected by the installation of large dams. The rivers in grey do not have large dams upstream. [Source: GRanD database, adapted from Lehner et al., 2011]
In France, 569 large dams are listed5. They represent 13% of the obstacles identified on national watercourses compared to 57% of river thresholds [6] (Figure 1).

Moreover, the location of these dams does not have the same impact on the degree of regulation [7] of watercourses [8] (Figure 2). The higher the degree of regulation, the more the watercourse is modified in its natural functioning (e. g. residence time of the water).

The distribution of these structures is very uneven across the French territory; it can be noted that the upstream part of the Loire basin, the Dordogne, the Rhône and the alpine reliefs are among the most developed.

1.2. The role of dams

There are several types of dam constructions:

  • flexible structures such as the backfill dam (same specificities as the gravity dam)
  • rigid structures such as the gravity dam (it rests on the ground; its weight alone is sufficient to contain the thrust exerted by the water in the reservoir; Figure 3), the arch dam (arched, the thrust of the water is transferred to the sides of the valley and the banks), the buttress dam (large concrete wall that relies on buttresses and pushes the pressure of the water towards the ground).

barrage - barrage poids - hydroelectricite - weight dam - dams
Figure 3. Example of a weight dam (Rochebut) used in hydroelectricity. [© A. Courtin-Nomade]
The nature of the substratum, the topography, the inputs (solid load) of the catchment area, the hydrological regime of the river and the morphological configuration of the developed valley are the main parameters determining the type of dam to be built. Their specificity will determine the uses and management.

Built in 1675 to supply the Canal du midi [9], the 30 m high Saint-Ferréol dam was the first major French dam. Such structures have been built for various purposes:

  • to supply water to industrial activities, in particular mining and metallurgical activities – which are highly water-intensive, particularly in mid-19th century France;
    usages barrages - barrages - utilite barrages - dams - roles of dams - dams utility
    Figure 4. Distribution of unique uses of dams worldwide to supply water to industrial activities, in particular mining and metallurgical activities – which are highly water-intensive, particularly in mid-19th century France. [© ICGB, from http://www.icold-cigb.net/FR/registre_des_barrages/synthese_generale.asp]
  • for the supply of drinking water;
  • for irrigation;
  • for electricity production (mainly from the 20th century);
  • raising low-water flows and regulating floods; for these purposes, the Seine, for example, has reservoir dams called the “Great Lakes of the Seine” following the major floods at the beginning of the 20th century;
  • for inland navigation.

Almost half of the dams have a single purpose. The others have a more or less versatile use. Thus, some dams nowadays often have a recreational purpose (recreational bases) (Figure 4).

2. How do dams affect sediment continuity?

The processes that cause sediments and their fate are erosion, transport, deposition and compaction. The installation of dams on rivers is always accompanied by hydromorphological and physico-chemical modifications, disrupting in particular sedimentary but also ecological continuity. These structures will modify the hydrological regime of the rivers concerned, moving from fluvial dynamic regimes (with current-related turbulence) to static regimes close to lake domains (calmer regimes, less turbulence). This regime modification allows the privileged accumulation of fine particles near the dam while the coarser ones will be more abundant at the tail end of the dam (Figure 5).

barrages - sediments - influence barrages sediments - influence dams on sedeiment grain
Figure 5. Influence of dams on sediment grain size sorting upstream of the structure. [Source: adapted from Frémion et al., 2016]
Dams can disrupt sediment flow from upstream to downstream of a watercourse over long distances, sometimes to the estuary. They are physical barriers that represent effective sediment traps. It is estimated that 70 to 90% of the volume of sediments exported from the catchment area [10] [11] is retained, with the result that the sediments are sorted into granulometric sizes. For example, coarse pebbles or sand will accumulate in the reservoirs. This will have downstream impacts on the habitats of impoverished aquatic and riparian ecosystems (on the banks), but also promote the sinking (or incision) of a river bed over time.

On the other hand, the loss of fine sediments also trapped within dam reservoirs will have negative effects, for example on the downstream transport of nutrients. It can also reduce turbidity in watercourses, which is essential for some fish species to hide from predators. They no longer allow floods to bring fertile silts to agricultural soils downstream (e.g. the Aswan Dam on the Nile in Egypt [12]).

However, the percentage of sediment trapped will depend on the residence time of the water body in the dam. Dam reservoirs are thus fed by the erosion products of the watersheds in which they are built. This sedimentary material can supply dam reservoirs to a greater or lesser extent depending on the lithology (the geological nature of the rocks). It is clear that the material mobilized will not be in the same form or quantity depending on whether one considers a carbonate watershed or a watershed dominated by crystalline rocks such as granites. Similarly, the development of the watershed will play a fundamental role in the nature and abundance of sediments. Indeed, the material contribution resulting from the erosion of geological formations depends on the predominance of forests, agriculture, industrial activities and urbanization.

However, not all dams have the same impact on watercourses. This depends in particular on the height of the structure, its location – more or less upstream of the catchment area, the existence of successive dams on the same watercourse. In absolute terms, the establishment of dams has the effect of increasing the erosion of the upstream areas of the catchment basins and thus increasing their sediment load [13]. This is due in particular to changes in the hydrological functioning of the river. However, what we are seeing is a reduction in the amount of sediment downstream, due to its retention within the reservoirs.

However, this solid load is absolutely necessary in watercourses downstream of structures to maintain their morphological and ecological characteristics. In general, the establishment of dams is therefore inexorably accompanied by a change in the morphology of river banks, deltas, estuaries and coasts due to the impoverishment of sedimentary material. The result is ultimately greater coastal erosion.

3. What to do with the sedimentary material accumulated over time?

The management of dam impoundments does not only concern the structure itself. Indeed, the management of sedimentary material, which is stored or which can transit within and through the structure, is a fundamental issue. Nevertheless, during design, the life of a dam is estimated from the sedimentation rates and volume of an optimal basin. However, the size of the structures is often underestimated in relation to a realistic lifespan. The accumulation of sedimentary material can therefore have a long-term impact:

  • the operating efficiency of a hydroelectric dam by affecting its storage capacity;
  • influence water resource management;
  • weaken or accelerate the ageing of a structure, thus affecting its safety; for example, the Chambon dam in the Alps, built on the Romanche river, whose filling threatened that a risk of rupture would not occur and which was the subject of reinforcement work from 2013 onwards;
  • influence its role as a flood regulator (capping);
  • and finally, to permanently reduce the quantity and granulometric quality of sediment in watercourses in its downstream part.

The amount of material accumulated can reach several thousands m3 with often much higher sedimentation rates than in natural lake regimes of identical size.

Sediment stock management is generally carried out by punctual and more or less total evacuation, due to the costs or environmental impacts associated with these practices. Management can therefore be achieved through different approaches:

  • those that limit sediment input upstream of the dam;
  • those that remove by cleaning, for example, sediments already accumulated;
  • and those that allow sediments to pass through the dam at specific times, or to bypass them (see Focus).

To address these problems, solutions are being implemented or considered for (future) construction. Among these, the choice of the location of a dam itself is essential. It must be built more or less upstream of the catchment area, taking into account the erosion propensity of the chosen site, the solid load involved, the hydromorphological characteristics of the river to be developed… Other solutions can also be considered such as the installation of bypass systems or turbines accepting the passage of more or less fine sediments.

Sediment filling of the reservoir over time therefore requires special management, which can be problematic depending on the quality of the sediment. Indeed, since the dam has played a role in hyperaccumulating contamination, large volumes of highly contaminated sediments cannot be discharged by flushing into the natural environment under penalty of pollution downstream of the watercourse.

4. Risks related to the massive release of polluted sediments

barrage - étiage - marnage - matrice sedimentaire - dam
Figure 6. Vaussaire dam during low water periods. The tidal range can also be several metres under certain conditions. This exposure to atmospheric conditions can promote certain reactions (oxidation in particular) within the sedimentary matrix.[© A. Courtin-Nomade]
The presence of dams on watercourses will also modify the geochemical cycles of major elements (Si, Fe…), trace elements and/or contaminants (As, Cd…) as well as particulate nutrients (organic matter, phosphorus, nitrogen…). Indeed, these elements are trapped or associated with the sedimentary matrix. Due to the physico-chemical changes they cause in the water column and in the sediments, dams can then promote the remobilization of these sediments (Figure 6). In addition, sediment quality is a major issue in the management of the accumulated sediment stock. On it will depend the method that can be considered to manage the sediments and even restore sediment continuity without risk to aquatic life downstream of the dam (see section 3).

Naturally, the geochemical bottom of a watershed in which a dam is located may be higher than national averages (e.g. presence of mineralized veins). This disturbance, natural or otherwise, of sediment quality mainly concerns inorganic contaminants. These elements are usually metals or metalloids usually present in low concentrations (or traces). They can be potentially toxic to the environment depending on the form (speciation and mineralogy) in which they are present. These are most often the following elements: As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sb and Zn.

Their presence in exceptional concentrations is most often associated with human activities at the watershed level. Thus, mining activities exploiting these elements will affect the quality of sediments in nearby watercourses (as observed in the Villerest dam, Loire basin in its upstream part [14]). Indeed, the exploitation of this natural resource will make some elements that have been stable within the rocks more accessible/mobile. Disruptions related to excavation and crushing (reduction in particle size) of the extracted rocks will modify the physico-chemical parameters of the environment and promote oxidation and hydrolysis reactions of the mineral phases, for the main ones. These elements are then “redistributed” within the sediments and feed the reservoir of a possible dam. The sediments then contain elements in more mobile and reactive forms than they were at the beginning.

This contamination can also be of an organic nature: we speak of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Their origin can be natural (forest fires, volcanic eruptions…) or anthropogenic. Discharges from certain industrial processes or from agricultural activity – PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), pesticides (organochlorines) – have a significant impact on sediments. For example, 20 reservoirs in the Italian Central Alps have shown PCB contamination [15]. Domestic effluents, as well as agricultural activities, are also responsible for the release of phosphorus (P), a factor that favours the eutrophication of dam reservoirs. In summer, this phenomenon can lead to excessive blooms of cyanobacteria producing toxins (cyanotoxins). The reservoirs are then unsuitable for swimming (read Phosphorus and Eutrophication)

The management of contaminated sediment stocks is delicate or even impossible within dam reservoirs. This can lead to the stopping of the dam’s activity, or even its destruction, allowing the watercourse to recover its original functioning (also called erasure). Nevertheless, the attractive scenarios of dam removal to restore sedimentary and ecological continuity of a watercourse seem difficult to achieve in the case of large dams. Such a synopsis does not, however, prevent us from having to deal, at some point, with the management of sediments -contaminated or not- accumulated over the years.

5. Messages to remember

  • A resurgence in the construction of large dams is expected by 2030; their usefulness is undeniable for electricity production and energy storage, flood and drought regulation, irrigation…
  • However, they constitute physical barriers that modify in particular the hydrological regime, the physico-chemical characteristics and the solid load of the watercourses concerned.
  • Solutions exist to restore the transit of sediments from time to time, but…
  • Sediment management in these artificial reservoirs can be difficult since, during their deposition, due to their long residence time, they can accumulate organic and inorganic pollutants.


References and notes

Cover image. Upstream Plan and Downstream Plan dams, Haute Maurienne Valley. [Source: © Photo A. Courtin-Nomade.]

[1] McCully, P., (2001). Silenced rivers: the ecology and politics of large dams. Zed Books Publisher

[2] Friedl, G. & Wüest, A. (2002). Disrupting biogeochemical cycles – Consequences of damming. Aquatic Sciences, 64, 55-65.

[3] Dam more than 15 m high above the foundation level or between 5 and 15 m high and with a capacity greater than 3 Mm3. http://www.icold-cigb.net/home.asp, January 2018

[4] Grill, G., Lehner, B., Lumsdon, A.E., MacDonald, G.K., Zarfl, C., Lierman,n, C.R. (2015). An index-based framework for assessing patterns and trends in river fragmentation and flow regulation by global dams at multiple scales. Environmental Research Letters, 10, 1-15.

[5] Zarfl, C., Lumsdon, A.E., Berlekamp, J., Tydecks, L., Tockner, K., (2015). A global boom in hydropower dam construction. Aquatic Sciences, 77, 161-170

[6] Fixed or movable structures that block only the minor bed of the river – partially or totally – in contrast to the dam that blocks more than the minor bed.

[7] The degree of regulation makes it possible to account for changes that may affect the regime of a watercourse (e.g., flow), particularly its residence time. A high degree of regulation indicates a high probability that a significant volume of water will be temporarily stored in a given year and then released. Temporal storage and later release of water bodies will alter the natural regime of the river and, due to the stagnation and stratification of water bodies within the reservoir, affect other parameters such as temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration or solid load (suspended solids). Thus, reservoirs that have storage capacities for water bodies of several years and whose operation is governed solely by water demand (e.g., low water level rise, flood regulation) have regulation degrees >100%.

[8] Lehner, B., Liermann, C. R., Revenga, C., Vörösmarty, C., Fekete, B., Crouzet, P., Döll, P., Endejan, M., Frenken, K., Magome, J., Nilsson, C., Robertson, J. C., Rödel, R., Sindorf, N., Wisser, D., (2011). High-resolution mapping of the world’s reservoirs and dams for sustainable river-flow management. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment, 9, 494-502.

[9] Bordes, J.L., (2006). Les barrages du XVIIe siècle à la fin du XIXe, transferts technologiques et modes d’élaboration des ouvrages, in Les Archives de l’invention, colloque des 26-27 mai 2003, Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers, Toulouse, CNRS/Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, 227-240

[10] Vörösmarty, C.J., M., M., Fekete, B., Sharma, K., Green, P. & Syvitski, J.P. (2003) Anthropogenic sediment retention: major global impact from registered river impoundments. Global and Planetary Change, 39, 169-190

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环境百科全书由环境和能源百科全书协会出版 (www.a3e.fr),该协会与格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学和格勒诺布尔INP有合同关系,并由法国科学院赞助。

引用这篇文章: COURTIN-NOMADE Alexandra (2019年2月7日), How to reconcile dams and sediment transport?, 环境百科全书,咨询于 2024年12月21日 [在线ISSN 2555-0950]网址: https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/en/water/how-reconcile-dams-sediment-transport/.
