
Radiofrequences antenne mobile

  自20世纪90年代以来,移动电话和新的无线通信技术呈指数级增长。与此同时,人们开始担心射频类的电磁波可能对健康造成有害影响。关于这个问题,人们听到了各种互相矛盾的说法。在卫生管理机构看来,这些电磁波的使用是值得注意的问题,但只要使用得当,似乎并不构成问题。他们依靠专家们对现有科学文献进行详细分析来进行风险评估。法规建立在科学基础之上。然而,许多新闻报道、广播和电视节目、视频以及网站经常报道存在危险。射频可能会致癌,对儿童有害、影响生育能力和削弱免疫力等等。5G 被认为是一个新的威胁。所谓的“电敏感”或“电超敏感”(EHS)人士的证词被广泛传播。实际情况如何?有哪些风险?如何评估和监管它们?本文以移动电话为例,对该主题进行了全面讨论。

1. 我们周围的电磁波有哪些?

  我们的生活被各种各样来源的辐射包围着,既有天然的也有人造的。太阳发出的光、紫外线(UV)和红外(IR)以及地球磁场对地球上的生命至关重要。光、红外线和紫外线也可以人工产生。例如,所有热的物体都会发出红外线辐射,无论是生物,还是房间里的散热器、被太阳加热的石头……。随着配电网络的建设,辐射源变得越来越多样化。出现了新的低频电场和磁场(50 赫兹、60 赫兹及其谐波),其次是射频,其中只有极少部分是宇宙自然产生的[1]。一百多年来,我们指导所有这些电磁辐射都与广泛的物理现象和效应有关,这些物理现象和效应根据所考虑的辐射的特征而有所不同。它们的应用范围广泛,不仅用于日常生活,也用于医疗、工业和军事领域(图 1)。

图1. 频率范围的简化图和应用示例。UV:紫外线;IF:中频;LF:低频;千赫:103 赫兹;兆赫:106 赫兹;千兆赫:109 赫兹)
[资料来源:Perrin & Souques, © EDP-Sciences, 2018]
(译者注:Rayonnements ionisants 电离辐射;Rayonnements non ionisants 非电离辐射; frequence 频率;Rayons γ γ射线;Rayons X X 射线;Infrarouges 红外线;Radiofrequences射频)

  波物理学基于粒子模型(量子力学)和波动模型(麦克斯韦方程),两者是互补且兼容的。根据粒子模型,波携带的粒子能量随频率变化(光子能量)。电离辐射和低频下的非电离辐射是有区别的:电离辐射(X 射线,α 、 β 、γ 射线,一些紫外线)可将电子从原子中剥离并导致 DNA断裂;非电离辐射的能量低于紫外线(参见文章“太阳紫外线对细胞的影响)。

  非电离辐射与生物体的相互作用因频率而异。低于100 kHz 的场和电流可以引起兴奋的组织刺激(神经系统和肌肉);高于10 MHz 时,组织的吸收变得占主导地位,加热成为主要机制。在所谓的中频范围,即100 kHz至10 MHz 之间,两种情况都存在(图 2)。

图2. 非电离辐射警示标志。
[资料来源:版权免费/ Pixabay]

  本文中,我们所关注的是用于最常见无线通信的射频类型的非电离辐射,其频率高于10MHz (通常被称为射频)。 物理和技术方面,请参考专题“射频和无线通信的基础知识”;如想了解风险的概念及了解法规,请参考专题“射频的风险和法规”。

1.1. 当无线电波到达人体时会发生什么?



  频率越高,电磁波穿透人体的能力越弱。从6 GHz 以上开始,它们的吸收仅限于皮肤。因此,衡量人体暴露水平的量度也就不同的。6GHz以下,穿透深度可达几厘米。比吸收速率(SAR)是表示单位质量内所吸收的能量值(瓦特/千克,W/kg)。由于电磁波的穿透能力随频率和吸收能量值的变化而变化,因此对于相同的入射功率,由此产生的比吸收率也会随频率而变化。比吸收率的值是利用物理测量和数值模拟方法通过生物剂量法获得的。人体的最大吸收频率约为80 MHz。超过6 GHz,电磁波的吸收越来越浮于皮肤表面。暴露指标指的是局部暴露的吸收功率密度(Sab),以瓦特每平方米(W/m2)计量。然而,如果整个身体表面的暴露足够强,可能最终导致更深层的加热。因此,比吸收率仍然是全身的一个指标(2020年国际非电离辐射防护委员会(ICNIRP) 最新的建议中考虑了以上因素, 请参阅焦点“射频、风险和法规”)。

1.2. 射频的热效应和临界阈值

  长期以来,人们就已经知道射频与物质的相互作用会导致水分子的激动,从而引起加热。温度的增加与水含量高低成正比。这种效应被称为阈值效应,因为这种现象是在吸收了一定的能量,即在一定程度的暴露之后发生的。这种效应被用于诸多场合,如微波炉、外科手术、工业热合(篷布、遮阳帘)。哺乳动物的温度调节系统可以应对几摄氏度的温差。通过正常的体温调节生理过程,大部分热量通过组织的血管系统排出。当超过这种适应能力时,从临界阈值开始,就会出现潜在的有害热效应。最早观察到的影响是,完全暴露在辐射下的灵长动物出现行为障碍,局部暴露会导致灼伤和白内障(因为眼睛血管分布密度较低)。根据科学数据(动物实验)得出的临界比吸收速率 值为:

  —“全身”暴露为4 W/kg

  —局部暴露为100 W/kg(每10 g 身体组织上的平均值)。

  对于无线通信,暴露水平足够,不会因电磁波而导致发热(请参见焦点“一些常见的误解”)。一些规定中设定了不得超过的暴露限值以保护公众(请参阅焦点“射频、风险和法规”)。为了在实验室中研究无线电波的影响,根据研究目标, 区分“近场”或“远场”对于定义使用的暴露条件和系统非常重要。

2. 从研究到风险评估——知识现状

2.1. 如果效果已知,为什么还要进行研究呢?

  自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,有关射频的研究转向了它可能的非热效应上。即,这些影响可能不是由温度变化引起的,并且发生在低于临界阈值的低暴露水平下。早在 1993 年,人们就对收集可能产生有害影响的担忧,当时美国的有一个广受媒体关注的诉讼案件,一家手机制造商被指控导致一名女性死于脑瘤[2]。此外,20 多年来,通信设备信号塔的设置引发争论,在讨论中最多提到的是对附近居民健康的风险[3]

  手机是人们跑路与射频的主要来源,因为在通信过程中,它位于头部或身体附近,而且使用频率很高。手机所产生的比吸收速率 值远低于临界阈值,但它带来了新的辐射情况(请参见交焦点“射频、风险和法规”)。与信号塔相比,使用手机时的瞬时暴露水平在比吸收速率方面高出数万倍。

  鉴于这项技术的普及,即使健康风险很小,也受到了很认真的对待。因此,大多数研究关注的是相关频段的手机暴露。这些研究可以定期评估风险和法规阈值的相关性。随着技术的不断发展,人们的暴露条件也在变化。这可能会引发新的问题、谣言或反对意见,比如目前推出的5G 。

2.2. 为什么研究中使用的方法如此有争议?

表1. 无线通信系统使用的无线电频率对生物和健康影响的研究。
[资料来源:© EMF Portal]


  • 在实验室内


  在相关频段中,了解SAR 值是必不可少的,或者在更高频率上了解表面吸收的入射功率。控制暴露特性,特别是SAR 值,是这些研究中的主要难题。这比传统的毒理学更复杂。在传统毒理学中,研究人员会测试一种物质的不同剂量(例如,以每公斤克数计算)。电磁波是无法称量的——必须对暴露系统进行调整和量化[4]


  • 在人群中



  • 这方面的研究多吗?
图 3. 1990 年至 2018 年每年的出版物数量(实验和流行病学研究)。
[资料来源:基于EMF-Portal 数据库中可用信息绘制的图表]
(译者注:etudes expérimetales 实验研究;etudes épidémiologiques 流行病学研究)

  1990 年以来科学出版物数量的变化(图 3)说明了关于无线通信技术频率的生物效应和健康影响的研究的重要性。

2.3. 如何评估风险?


  我们还将讨论一些具有强烈媒体影响力的重要主题: 如国际癌症研究机构(IARC)的 分类和儿童的电磁波暴露。另请参阅与本文有关的专题内容:5G、美国国家毒理学计划和电磁超敏反应。

3. 癌症、流行病学和国际癌症研究机构(IARC)分类

3.1. 为什么要研究射频对癌症的潜在影响?

  确定癌症的起因是公共卫生健康中的一个重要问题[8]。在癌症从最初阶段发展到有时多年后才出现的临床表现的过程中,导致 DNA 损伤的机制发挥着重要的作用。射频所携带的能量不足以直接导致DNA分子断裂。目前还没有任何机制能够解释这种生物效应。尽管如此,射频对遗传物质的完整性和致癌作用的潜在影响已经被广泛研究,并且仍在继续。另一方面,流行病学家一直在寻找癌症和射频之间的联系,特别是手机使用与脑瘤之间的关联。

3.2. 国际癌症研究机构(IARC)对射频的分类

  国际癌症研究机构(IARC)隶属于世界卫生组织,专家评审工作专注于研究各种因素是否致癌。这些因素可能涵盖化学物质、自然物质、食物、物理媒介(例如电磁波……),或者是特定的职业环境(如消防员工作的场所)。国际癌症研究机构(IARC) 明确区分了“风险”和“危害”两个概念。其分类依据是考虑了危险存在的证据强度,即对人类致癌性,而没有量化风险,因为风向取决于暴露条件。因此,像石棉、酒精、加工肉类和木屑可以归入同一类别。国际癌症研究机构(IARC)[9]所采用的分类标准在表 2中进行了简化展示。

表2. IARC 分类量表和分类物质的一些示例(截至 2019 年 9 月 23 日的药物数量)。
[资料来源:根据 国际癌症研究机构IARC(https://monographs.iarc.fr/agents-classified-by-the-iarc/)提供的数据绘制的表格]


  2011 年,根据国际手机与脑瘤风险研究(Interphone)的结果[11],国际癌症研究机构(IARC) 关于手机使用情况将射频归为“也许致癌”或“可能致癌”[2B][10]两类。此研究是迄今为止对该主题进行的最大的病例对照研究(数据来自13个国家),包括 2708 例胶质瘤、2409 例脑膜瘤。根据累计通话时长,将患者分为 10 组。在10 年内通话时间最长的组(>1640 小时;关联强度比值 OR 为 1.40(95% CI 1.03-1.89)),发现患脑胶质瘤的风险增加。作者认为报告的某些通话时间(高达每天12 小时)难以置信。 此外,与暴露时间的增加没有正关联。作者得出的结论是:“总体而言,并观察到使用手机会增加神经胶质瘤或脑膜瘤的风险。在最高的暴露水平下,有增加胶质瘤风险的迹象,但偏差和错误妨碍了因果解释。长期密集使用手机可能产生的影响需要进行深入研究。”

  对听神经瘤的结果也类似,但是参考的病例很少。Hardell 等人的研究[12]对分类也很所贡献,尽管其规模有限且存在局限性[13]。值得注意的是,一项名为Cerenat的病例对照研究[14],覆盖了法国4个地区,在2014年引发了媒体热潮[15]。此项研究有时被看作是对国际手机与脑瘤风险研究(Interphone)研究的进一步验证。事实上,除了在重度手机用户中观察到了胶质瘤风险外,未发现手机使用与脑瘤之间有关联。在每项研究中,累计通话时间最长的前10%的用户被定义为“重度用户”组。这两组用户之间的比较较为复杂,因为在Cerenat研究中,当累积通话时间超过896小时(24 例)时,才观察到风险增加,而 国际手机与脑瘤风险研究(INTERPHONE) 中几乎是双倍的时间,累积通话时间超过1640 小时(100例)时,风险才增加。使用时间低于1640 小时,未观察到风险增加。也应该注意,Cerenat的研究规模(253例胶质瘤病例)与INTERPHONE 研究的规模(2708 例胶质瘤病例)相比较低, 且存在一定程度的偏差 [16]。另一方面,队列研究未能证明手机使用具有致癌作用,包括在丹麦进行的一项研究,跟踪了358,403 人达18 年之久[17]。这项研究使根据参与者的电话订阅来评估情况的,而没有具体考虑通话时间。在其他重要的队列研究中,还应提及“百万女性研究”[18],该研究在国际癌症研究机构( IARC )分类后发表,在英国追踪了大约 80万名女性7 年时间,发现手机使用与胶质瘤、脑膜瘤以及其他18 种类型的癌症发病率增加之间没有关联。


  然而,国际癌症研究机构(IARC) 并没有断定射频对人类可能致癌或是确实致癌,这一点与专家集体评估的结论以及世界卫生组织(WHO )的立场一致[19]

3.3. 手机的使用增加了癌症的数量吗

  自 2004 年以来,特别是在国际癌症研究机构( IARC )分类之后,研究人员开始探索脑瘤发病率(每年每10 万人口中的新发病例数)特别是胶质瘤随时间的变化规律,以及它与手机使用之间的联系,从13 个国家或地区(美国、英国、中国、北欧国家、丹麦、新西兰、中国台湾、澳大利亚、日本、意大利、以色列、瑞典、芬兰)的癌症登记数据出发,进行了十几项研究,产生了超过 25 篇科学出版物[20]。根据这些研究,随着时间的推移,有时可以观察到发病率的变化,有时则没有。这些变化通常与筛查频率的变化和/或肿瘤筛查和分析方法的改进有关[21]。无论如何,这些变化与国际癌症研究机构(IARC)最初的分类依据的研究中所报告的关联(相对风险)存在时所逾期的情况不一致,这一点可以从其中一项研究中提取的图表观察到(图 4)[22]

图4. (A)1987 年至 2014 年研究人群中手机使用的演变;(B)澳大利亚胶质瘤发病率的变化与 国际癌症研究机构(IARC) 分类依据的研究预期的理论曲线(红色)的比较。
[资料来源:Chapman S. 等人, 2016 /出版物: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.canep.2016.04.010]
(译者注:annee 年;Hommes 男士;Femmes 女士;Taux pour 100000 每 10万人的发病率)


4. 射频对儿童的影响

图5. 一群拿着手机的年轻人。
[资料来源:版权免费/ Pixabay]

  由于儿童还在发育阶段,所以被认为是一个潜在的更容易受伤害的群体(图5)。此外,他们可能很早就开始使用无线通信工具,因此在他们的一生中使用这些设备的时间更长。2011 年,荷兰卫生委员认为没有必要为此担心,但需要进一步研究,尤其是长期研究[23]。2016 年,法国国家卫生食品、环境和劳动安全卫生局(ANSES)就该主题发布了一份专门报告[24]。根据专家分析,现有数据并未显示射频对儿童的行为、听觉功能、发育、男女生殖系统、癌症风险、免疫系统有任何影响,或对全身产生毒性效应,也未证明其会导致畸形。考虑到儿童的体型,他们头部的暴露值(以特定吸收率SAR计)可能高于成人,但仍未超过暴露限值。该报告提到了对认知功能(记忆、学习等)和幸福感的“可能影响”(“有限证据”)。根据作者们的说法,这些影响可能并非是因为他们暴露在电磁波中,而是由于儿童与他们使用了联网设备的行为有关。在这些影响中,有些被认为是积极的,有些则被认为是负面的,但目前还未得到科学界的确认。因此,这个问题仍然悬而未决。此外,研究表明,年轻人“问题性使用”(过度和不当)手机与心理健康问题(抑郁、自杀念头、危险行为)之间存在关联。在其意见中,该机构建议鼓励他们合理使用手机,并劝阻14 岁以下儿童使用移动通讯设备。然而,关于这份报告的公开讨论却在移动设备可能带来的影响和各种电磁波可能产生的影响之间造成了一些混淆。国际非电离辐射保护委员会(ICNIRP)、世界卫生组织和欧洲相关机构尚未针对儿童使用这些设备发布任何特别的指导建议。


5. 知识状况评估

5.1. 我们对风险了解多少?

  2012 年,在综合分析了2009年至2011年间发表的33份报告后[26],当时仍是比利时公共卫生科学研究所成员、毒理学家吕克·华斯齐夫(Luc Verscheave )写下了以下观点:“ 除BioInitiative报告之外,所有报告均未发现无线通信应用中的射频暴露会对健康造成不利影响的直接证据。报告普遍对其长期的生物效应持谨慎态度,并非因为有强烈的证据显示这种效应可能发生,而是由于目前缺乏足够的数据来支持有效的结论。”[27]

  值得一提的是,2013年和2009年,法国国家食品、环境与劳动健康安全署(ANSES )建议对BioInitiative报告持谨慎态度[28],因为“报告存在利益冲突,没有反映集体的专业观点,各个章节质量参差不齐,且带有一定的倾向性。”[29],这一点与其他分析一致[30]。自 2012 年以来,法国(2013 年)、荷兰(2016 年)[31]、瑞典(2018年)[32]、欧洲(2015 年)[33]、澳大利亚(2017年)[34]和美国(2020年,专注于癌症)[35]在内的多个国家都进行了性的专家评估,但这些评估并没有对认知现状带来任何实质性变化。那些报告了较多效应的研究往往存在较高的偏差风险,因此难以确定效应的真正来源。相反,哪些对暴露情况描述的较为详细的研究很少报告在非热暴露水平下的显著影响。到目前为止,尽管有些被认为是高质量的研究显示了某些生物学或生理学效应,有时甚至是有益的效应。这些完全不一致的结果被认为是有限的证据,除非它们能通过一系列一致且可复制的研究结果得到证实。迄今为止,来自世界各地的科学专家报告的结论是一致的:在法规限制范围内的暴露并没有证明射频对健康构成已知的风险,也没有证实存在可能支持风险的生物学机制。

5.2. 有没有正在进行的研究?

  关于这个主题的密集研究期已经结束。根据国家的不同,研究仍在或多或少地继续进行。在法国,法国国家卫生食品、环境和劳动安全卫生局(ANSES)每年都会资助研究项目。两项大型的流行病学研究正在进行当中,涉及超过15 年的长期暴露。

  • COSMOS研究:涵盖6个欧洲国家的约30万人。进行20-30年的跟踪调查,研究健康问题与手机或其他无线技术的之间可能的关联。
  • MOBI-KILDS研究(14 个国家):目的是评估儿童和青少年(10-24 岁)的脑肿瘤与环境风险因素(包括移动通信的使用)之间的潜在联系。

  人们正在特别关注于表征暴露,这在此类研究中通常是一个薄弱环节。5G 的推出可能会引发新一波的研究,尤其是在26 GHz 附近的毫米波频段,与目前用于移动电话和WiFi 的频率相比,这些频段的研究较少。此外,围绕3.5GHz 进行的新研究似乎很少。

6. 如何应对

图6. 以健康和射频为主题的法国杂志封面示例。[来源:© J.F Chevalier]

  射频风险和无线通信风险包含多个维度,既有科学技术方面,也有社会和政治方面。这些技术在日常生活中的发展,已经并将继续对习惯和生活方式产生重大影响。这解释了围绕新的无线通信技术争议的多个方面,其中交织着与健康相关的问题、技术使用以及环境、经济问题。许多错误的信息、“假新闻”、甚至是关于波的假设危害的谣言在流传,目的是为了捍卫某些事业、销售服务或所谓的“反电磁波”保护、成名、反对新技术、满足选民的要求,进行争斗。然而,媒体喜欢轰动性新闻。它们常常会将各种类型的信息混为一谈,不分科学验证的信息和仅仅是个人观点的信息,从而导致了混淆(图 6)。在这种情况下,科学风险评估的目的并非是为了解决争议或指导具体的行动方向。另一方面,科学提供了一些答案的线索,帮助决策者能够采取包括公共卫生措施在内的恰当行动,并帮助公众形成自己的看法。而且,如同在其他健康和环境问题上一样,最大的挑战在于如何在众多的信息中进行筛选出有价值的内容。

7. 要记住的信息


  • 迄今为止进行的科学研究并未证明射频范围内存在有害影响,也没有一种可信的生物机制可以证明在监管限值以下的风险是存在的。
  • 唯一已知的射频效应是高暴露水平下的热效应,而在无线技术中暴露的水平无法达到这种能产生热效应的高度。
  • 关于电磁场的影响,世界卫生组织(WHO) 认为“在电磁场影响这一领域,我们获得的科学知识比我们对大部分化学物质的了解都要更为全面和深入[36]
  • 科学研究总是围绕概率和证据的水平进行。从科学的视角来看,我们无法证明某个影响绝对不存在,因此对于任何分线因素,我们也不可能断言它完全没有风险。


  • 超越单纯的健康问题,从全面的角度审视这一主题,有助于我们理解相关的挑战并更好地解读信息。
  • 交叉验证参考信息来源并培养批判性思维,对于保持思想自由大有裨益

  我要特别感谢 Catherine Yardin 和 Isabelle Lagroye 对生物学和健康内容的细致审阅和指正,以及 Allal Oubrehil 对无线通信技术方面内容地审阅和指正。



封面图片:[资料来源:Leon Brooks,公共领域,通过维基评论- Tim Parkinson, CC BY 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons]

[1] EMF-portal, Natural radio frequency fields.

[2] Lawsuit claims cellular phones cause cancer, UPI archives, 3 January 1993.

[3] Borraz O., Devigne M., Salomon D., Controverses et mobilisations autour des antennes de téléphonie mobile, 2004, Rapport du centre de sociologie des organisations, 160 p.

[4] Kuster and Schönborn. 2000, Recommended minimal requirements and development guidelines for exposure setups of bio-experiments addressing the health risk concern of wireless communications Bioelectromagnetics, 21:508-514.

[5] Souques M., Notions de base sur l’épidémio logie, 2009, SPS n°286, July 2009. On afis.org

[6] See the dossier “Science and the media” in Science et Pseudosciences n°323 of the Association pour l’Information scientifique.On afis.org


[7] See the articles of H. Maisonneuve on afis.org/Herve-Maisonneuve

[8] Hill C., 2019, What do we know about the causes of cancer?

[9] https://monographs.iarc.fr/agents-classified-by-the-iarc/

[10] IARC Press Release, 31 May 2011

Full report published in 2013: IARC, 2013, Non-ionizing Radiation, Part 2: Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields, IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol. 102.

and IARC, 2013, Non-ionizing Radiation, Part 2: Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields, IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol. 102.

[11] THE INTERPHONE Study GROUP et al. (2010) Brain tumour risk in relation to mobile telephone use: results of the Interphone international case-control study. International J. Epidemiology 39(3):675-694.

[12] Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K. Pooled analysis of case-control studies on malignant brain tumours and the use of mobile and cordless phones including living and deceased subjects. Int J Oncol 2011; 38: 1465-74.

[13] Ahlbom et al, Epidemiologic Evidence on Mobile Phones and Tumor Risk: A Review (Epidemiology 2009; 20: 639-652)

[14] Coureau & al, 2014, Mobile phone use and brain tumours in the CERENAT case-control study. Occup Environ Med, 71(7):514-22.

[15] Mobile phone and tumor, what is the link? – Deciphering a recently published epidemiological study on the effects of telephone radio frequencies on the brain, and a look back at the over-mediation that has agitated the web with Dr Gaëlle Coureau. 22 May 2014, University of Bordeaux. On https://www.u-bordeaux.fr/

[16] Mobile phones and brain cancers: double zero score for Bordeaux study, 23 May 2014. Journalism and public health – The blog of Jean-Yves Nau, journalist and medical doctor. On jeanyvesnau.com

[17] Frei P et al Use of mobile phones and risk of brain tumours: update of Danish cohort study. BMJ 2011; 343: d6387. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d6387

[18] Benson VS et al Mobile phone use and risk of brain neoplasms and other cancers: prospective study. Int J Epidemiol 2013; 42: 792-802.

[19] Electromagnetic fields and public health: mobile phones, 8 October 2014

[20] These studies are listed in the EMF-Portal database, under Mobile communication, population studies, brain cancer. https://www.emf-portal.org/en/article/overview/mobile- communications-epidem/brain-cancer#level-2

[21] As an example, see reading note on the Australian publication released in late 2018:


[22] Chapman S. & al., 2016, Has the incidence of brain cancer risen in Australia since the introduction of mobile phones 29 years ago? Cancer Epidemiology, 42:199-205

[23] HCB, 2011, Influence of radiofrequency telecommunication signals on children’s brains.

[24] ANSES, report “Exposure to radio frequencies and children’s health”, June 2016. https://www.anses.fr/fr/search/site/rapport%20radiofr%C3%A9quences?searchphrase=1&mm=100&iso1=fr&iso2=en

[25] Academy of Sciences, New call “The child, the adolescent, the family and the screens”, Press release of 9 April 2019.


[26] Verschaeve L., Evaluations of International Expert Group Reports on the Biological Effects of Radiofrequency Fields, Wireless Communications and Networks, 2012, Recent Advances, Dr. Ali Eksim (Ed.), ISBN:978-953-51-0189-5, InTech. (translation and citation, A. Perrin).

[27] https://cdn.intechopen.com/pdfs/31625/InTech-Evaluations_of_international_expert_group_reports_on_the_biological_effects_of_radiofrequency_fields.pdf

[28] https://bioinitiative.org/

[29] Anses, update of the ” Radiofrequencies and health ” expertise, October 2013, http://www.anses.fr/sites/default/files/documents/AP2011sa0150Ra.pdf

[30] https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioinitiative

[31] Health council of Netherlands, 2016, Mobile phones and cancer, Part 3. Update and overall conclusions from epidemiological and animal studies

[32] Scientific Council of Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM), 2018,

Recent Research on EMF and Health Risk, Twelfth report from SSM’s Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields

[33] SCENIHR, “Potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF)”, March 2015. Summary sheet: http://ec.europa.eu/health/scientific_committees/docs/citizens_emf_fr.pdf

[34] Australian Radiation Protection Agency (ARPANSA), 2017,

Technical Report “Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Energy and Health: Research Needs, TR178

[35] Food and drug Administration (USA), 2020, Review of Published Literature between 2008 and 2018 of Relevance to Radiofrequency Radiation and Cancer. https://www.fda.gov/media/135043/download

[36] WHO, Electromagnetic fields – Summary of health effects https://www.who.int/peh-emf/about/WhatisEMF/fr/index1.html


环境百科全书由环境和能源百科全书协会出版 (www.a3e.fr),该协会与格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学和格勒诺布尔INP有合同关系,并由法国科学院赞助。

引用这篇文章: PERRIN Anne (2024年3月16日), 射频与健康:研究进展如何?, 环境百科全书,咨询于 2024年12月3日 [在线ISSN 2555-0950]网址: https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/zh/sante-zh/radiofrequencies-health/.


Radiofrequencies and health : where are we ?

Radiofrequences antenne mobile

Mobile telephony and new wireless communication technologies have developed exponentially since the 1990s. At the same time, fears have arisen about the possible harmful effects of electromagnetic waves such as radio frequencies on health. We hear everything and its opposite on this subject. For health agencies, the use of these waves is the subject of attention, but does not seem to pose a problem insofar as their use is regulated. They rely on collective expert reports that analyze in detail the available scientific literature to assess the risk. The regulations are based on scientific evidence. However, a number of press articles, radio and television broadcasts, videos and websites regularly report on the dangers. Radio frequencies are said to be carcinogenic, dangerous for children, for fertility, for immunity, etc. The 5G would be a new threat. Testimonies of so-called “electrosensitive” or “electrohypersensitive” (EHS) people are relayed. What exactly is the situation? What are the risks? How are they assessed and regulated? This article offers an overview of the subject based on the case of mobile telephony.

1. The waves that surround us: what are they?

We live within magnetic and electromagnetic fields of multiple origins, natural and artificial. Light, ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) radiation emitted by the sun, and the earth’s magnetic field are determining factors for life on earth. Light, infrared and UV can also be produced artificially. For example, all warm bodies emit IR radiation, whether they are living beings, a radiator in a room, a stone heated by the sun… The sources of radiation have diversified with the establishment of the electrical distribution network. New low-frequency electric and magnetic fields (50 Hz, 60 Hz and their harmonics) then appeared in the environment, followed by radio frequencies, only a very small proportion of which are of natural origin and come from the cosmos [1]. For more than a hundred years, it has been known that all these radiations are associated with a wide range of physical phenomena and effects that differ according to the characteristics of the radiation considered. They are used for a wide range of applications, not only in everyday life, but also for medical, industrial and military purposes (Figure 1).

Exemples application champs magnetiques electromagnetiques
Figure 1. Simplified diagram of the frequency range and examples of applications. UV: ultraviolet; IF: intermediate frequencies; LF: low frequencies; Kilohertz: 103 Hz; Mega: 106; Giga: 109) [Source: Perrin & Souques, © EDP-Sciences, 2018]
Wave physics is based on corpuscular (quantum mechanics) and wave (Maxwell’s equations) models, which are complementary and compatible. According to the corpuscular model, waves carry particles of varying energies depending on the frequency (energy of photons). A distinction is made between ionizing radiation (X-rays, alpha and beta gamma rays, some UV rays), which can tear electrons from atoms and cause DNA breakage, and non-ionizing radiation at lower frequencies, below the UV level (see The cellular impact of solar UV).

Interactions with living organisms differ according to the frequency. Up to 100 kHz, fields and currents can stimulate excitable tissues (nervous systems and muscles). Above 10 MHz, absorption by the tissues becomes predominant and heating the essential mechanism. At the so-called intermediate frequencies, between 100 kHz and 10 MHz, there is a mixture of both (Figure 2).

Pictogramme signalisation rayonnements non-ionisants
Figure 2. Warning pictogram for non-ionizing radiation [Source: royalty-free / Pixabay]
In this article, we are interested in non-ionizing radiation of the radio frequency type that is used for the most common wireless communications, located above 10 MHz (which will be referred to as radio frequency). For the physical and technical aspects, please refer to the focus “Radiofrequency and Wireless Communications” and to reflect on the notion of risk and understand the regulations, to the focus on “Radiofrequencies risk and regulation”.

1.1. What happens when radio waves reach the body?

Waves are both reflected by the body (about 50% reflection around GHz) and absorbed within biological tissue. The depth of penetration and the effects of electromagnetic waves differ according to the frequency. This absorption depends on many parameters: temperature, physico-chemical characteristics of the material (permittivity, conductivity, density), exposure level (incident power), type of signal, etc.

In the radio frequency range

The higher the frequency, the less the waves penetrate the body, their absorption is limited to the skin from about 6 GHz. The quantities that account for exposure at body level are therefore not the same. Below 6 GHz, the penetration depth can reach several centimetres. The specific absorption rate (SAR) is the quantity that represents the amount of energy absorbed per unit of mass (in watts per kilogram, W/kg). Since the penetration of waves varies with frequency, the amount of energy absorbed, and therefore the resulting SAR, also varies with frequency for the same incident power. The SAR value is obtained by biological dosimetry using physical measurements and numerical simulation methods. The maximum absorption is around 80 MHz for the human body. Above 6 GHz, the absorption of the waves is increasingly superficial at the skin level. The exposure indicator is the absorbed power density (Sab) in watts per square meter (W/m2) for localized exposures. However, sufficiently intense surface exposures over the whole body could eventually lead to deeper heating. SAR therefore also remains an indicator for the whole body (a consideration introduced in the latest ICNIRP recommendations in 2020, see focus Radiofrequencies, risk and regulation).

1.2 Thermal effects of radio frequencies and critical thresholds

It has been known for a long time that the interaction of RF with matter leads to heating, mainly due to the agitation of water molecules. The higher the water content, the greater the temperature increase. This is known as a threshold effect because this phenomenon occurs after a certain amount of energy has been absorbed, i.e. after a certain level of exposure. This effect is used in many applications: microwave ovens, surgery, industrial thermobonding for example (tarpaulins, blinds…). Mammals have a temperature regulation system that can cope with variations of a few degrees Celsius. Heat is eliminated largely through the vascularization of tissues by normal physiological processes of thermoregulation. A potentially harmful thermal effect occurs when this adaptive capacity is exceeded, starting at critical thresholds. The first effects observed are behavioural disorders in fully exposed primates, and for localised exposures, burns and cataracts, as the eye has very little vascularisation. The critical SAR values derived from scientific data (animal experiments) are:

– 4 W/kg for “whole body” exposure

– 100 W/kg for localized exposure (on average on 10 g of tissue)

For wireless communications, the exposure levels are low enough not to induce heating due to the waves (see focus Some preconceived ideas). There are regulations that set exposure limits that must not be exceeded to protect the population (Read focus Radiofrequencies Risk and Regulation). To study the effects of radio waves in the laboratory, the nuance “near field” / “far field” is important to define the conditions and the exposure system to be used according to the objective of the study (whole body or localized exposure).

2. From research to risk assessment – state of knowledge

2.1. Why conduct research if the effects are known?

Since the 1980s, research has focused on the possible non-thermal effects of radio frequencies. These are effects that are not caused by a change in temperature and occur at low levels of exposure, below critical thresholds. Fears about possible harmful effects of mobile phones were expressed as early as 1993 with a well-publicised trial in the USA. A manufacturer was accused of being responsible for the death of a woman suffering from a brain tumour [2]. On the other hand, for more than 20 years, the installation of telephone antennas has led to debates in which risks for the health of local residents are often put forward [3].

Mobile phones are the main source of exposure to radiofrequencies for the population, due to their positioning close to the head or body during communications, and their widespread use. The SARs generated are well below the critical thresholds, but mobile phones have introduced a new exposure situation (see focus Radiofrequencies risks and regulations). Instantaneous exposure to the phone is tens of thousands of times higher than that generated by antennas, in terms of SAR.

Given the popularity of this technology, the hypothesis of a health risk, even if small, has been taken seriously. For these reasons, most of the studies concern exposure to mobile telephony in the frequency bands concerned. This work allows for a regular assessment of the risk and the relevance of regulatory thresholds. As technologies are constantly evolving, the resulting conditions of exposure of individuals are also evolving. This may give rise to new questions, rumours or opposition, as is currently the case with the arrival of 5G.

2.2. Why are the methods used in research so controversial?

radiofrequences effets biologiques et sanitaires
Table 1. Studies on the biological and health effects of radio frequencies used by wireless communication systems. [Source: © EMF Portal]

Numerous studies have been conducted on cultured cells, animal models and humans. The aim is to examine whether biological and physiological effects or diseases can be induced, modified or aggravated by radio waves. Experiments have also been carried out on animals exposed to radio frequency radiation on a one-off basis or throughout their lives, including from the gestation period. Table 1 summarizes the number of studies on the biological and health effects of radio frequencies used in wireless communications, including studies in the humanities and social sciences.

  • In the laboratory

As with other toxicological studies, the experiments are designed to compare what happens in the presence (or absence) of the risk factor of interest, in this case RF.

It is essential to know the SAR value in the frequency bands concerned, or the incident power absorbed at the surface at higher frequencies. Controlling the exposure characteristics, including SAR, is the main difficulty in these studies. This is more complicated than in “classical” toxicology, where researchers test different doses of a substance (quantified in grams administered per kilogram, for example). Waves cannot be weighed… The exposure system must be adapted and sized [4]. For example, placing a telephone on a rat, on a box containing sperm or on eggs, placing animals in front of a microwave oven with a broken door or a television, as has already been done, are among the most crude errors. The presence of the waves should be the only parameter that differs between samples, animals, or exposed volunteers and controls. Unexposed controls (called “shams“) should therefore be placed under identical conditions but with the transmitter turned off. The specific biases in this field of research are difficult to spot when reading a scientific article because it requires expertise in physics, biology and bioelectromagnetism.

  • In the population

Epidemiological studies aim to find a link between disease and exposure. There are two types of epidemiological studies. Case-control studies, in which people suffering from a disease whose cause is being investigated are included. Exposure assessment is generally based on the participants’ memories. Recall bias can distort the results, particularly in remote situations or when the respondents are relatives of sick or dead people. Conversely, cohort studies aim to compare the evolution of pathologies or the health of individuals over time, in more or less exposed populations. Here again, the evaluation of the actual exposure of subjects to radiofrequency waves is delicate because it also depends on the chosen indicator (duration of communication, positioning of the telephone, telephone subscriptions, etc.). Environmental parameters related to lifestyles or specific to individuals may play a role in health status (confounding factors) and must also be taken into account [5].

Interpreting the results of population-based studies is complicated. In general, these studies do not identify small-scale effects in certain subgroups. For wave effects, collaboration with physicists specialised in biological dosimetry can be useful to best assess exposure levels and the larger the sample size, the more conclusive the study result will be.

  • Has there been much research in this area?

Etudes effets biologiques sanitaires des radiofrequences
Figure 3. number of publications per year from 1990 to 2018 (experimental and epidemiological studies). [Source: graph based on information available in the EMF-Portal database]
The evolution of the number of scientific publications since 1990 illustrates the importance of the research activity related to the biological and health effects of waves at the frequencies of wireless communication technologies (Figure 3).

2.3. How is risk assessed?

Risk is assessed based on all the scientific data published worldwide. For this purpose, health agencies or reference institutions bring together groups of specialists from various backgrounds (biologists, physicians, epidemiologists, physicists, etc.). They take stock of the state of knowledge and produce collective expert reports. The data analysis method follows a rigorous process that is specified in the reports. In the media, effects observed in one study and then not confirmed later are regularly reported without nuance or contextualization in relation to the data as a whole. Rebuttals, when they do occur, are very rarely reported [6]. Moreover, it is always possible to publish an article in a scientific journal, particularly in generalist journals or those not specialised in bio-electromagnetism, even if its content is dubious [7]. It is therefore preferable to refer to collective expert reports and the conclusions of agencies.

We will come back to a few important subjects with a high media impact: the IARC classification and children’s exposure. Read also the focus associated with this article on 5G, on the study of the National Toxicology Program (USA) and on electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

3. Cancer, epidemiology and IARC classification

3.1. Why study the potential effect of RF on cancer?

Identifying the causes of cancer is an important issue in public health [8]. Among the many factors influencing the development of cancer pathology (from initiation to clinical evidence, sometimes years later), mechanisms leading to DNA damage play an important role. The energy carried by radio frequencies is not sufficient to directly cause breaks in DNA molecules. No mechanism that could explain such a biological effect is currently described. Nevertheless, the question of a possible effect of RF on the integrity of genetic material and on carcinogenesis has been, and still is, extensively studied. On the other hand, epidemiologists have been looking for an association between cancers and RF, in particular between mobile phone use and brain tumours.

3.2. IARC classification of radio frequencies

Collective reviews conducted by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, the cancer agency of the WHO) are concerned only with studies that may indicate that an agent is carcinogenic. This can be chemical or natural substances, food, physical agents (waves…) or an occupational situation (e.g. firefighter) to which humans are likely to be exposed. IARC explicitly distinguishes between risk and hazard. The classification takes into account the level of evidence of the existence of a danger, i.e. the carcinogenic character for humans, without quantifying the risk which depends on the conditions of exposure. Thus, asbestos, alcohol, cold cuts and wood dusts, for example, can be placed in the same category. The classification scale used by the IARC [9] is summarised in Table 2.

Classification CIRC agents
Table 2. IARC classification scale and some examples of classified agents (number of agents as of September 23, 2019). [Source: Table created from data provided by IARC (https://monographs.iarc.fr/agents-classified-by-the-iarc/)]
*HPV: Human Papillomavirus

In 2011, IARC classified radio frequencies as “possibly carcinogenic, or possibly carcinogenic“, to humans (2B) in relation to mobile phone use [10]. This is mainly due to the results of the INTERPHONE study[11]. This is the largest case-control study conducted to date on the subject (data from 13 countries), including 2708 gliomas, 2409 meningiomas. The patients were divided into 10 groups according to the cumulative duration of their conversations. An increased risk of glioma brain tumour was found for the group with the longest conversation times over a ten-year period (>1640 h; OR 1.40 (95% CI 1.03-1.89). The authors found some of the reported times (up to 12 hours per day) implausible. Furthermore, there was no increasing association with exposure times. The authors concluded that: “Overall, no increased risk of glioma or meningioma was observed with mobile phone use. There were suggestions of an increased risk of glioma at the highest exposure levels, but bias and error prevent causal interpretation. The possible effects of long-term intensive use of mobile phones need further study“.

The results were similar for acoustic neuroma but based on few cases. A publication by Hardell et al [12] was also important for classification, although it was limited in scope and had limitations [13]. Note that a case-control study (“Cerenat”) [14], covering 4 regions in France, caused a media wave in 2014 [15]. It is sometimes presented as the confirmation of the INTERPHONE study. Indeed, no association between mobile phone use and the occurrence of brain tumours was observed, except for gliomas in the heaviest users. The “heavy users” group corresponds to the 10% of people who reported the longest cumulative communication times in each study. Their comparison is delicate since it concerns a cumulative duration of more than 896 h (24 cases) in Cerenat and almost double in INTERPHONE and 4 times as many cases (> 1640 h, 100 cases) where no increase in risk is observed for durations less than 1640 h. It should also be kept in mind that the power of this study (253 glioma cases included) is low compared to INTERPHONE (2708 glioma cases) and that it has a number of biases [16]. On the other hand, cohort studies have not provided evidence in favour of a carcinogenic effect of mobile phones, including one conducted in Denmark [17] which followed 358,403 people for 18 years. Exposure was assessed on the basis of the participants’ telephone subscriptions, without specifying the duration of conversations. Another important cohort study is the Million women study [18], which was published after the IARC classification. Conducted in Great Britain on about 800,000 women followed for 7 years, it did not show any association between mobile phone use and an increased incidence of gliomas, meningiomas and 18 other types of cancers.

Ultimately, the IARC classification is often understood as evidence of the carcinogenicity of radio frequencies. However, RF has not been found to be a probable or proven human carcinogen by IARC, which is consistent with the conclusions of the collective reviews and the WHO position [19].

3.3. Has the number of cancers increased with mobile phone use?

Since 2004, and especially after the IARC classification, researchers have been looking for a link between the evolution of the incidence of brain tumours (number of new cases per year per 100,000 inhabitants) over time, in particular gliomas, and mobile phone use in the population. More than ten studies have been conducted using data from national cancer registries in 13 countries (USA, Great Britain, China, Nordic countries, Denmark, New Zealand, Taiwan, Australia, Japan, Italy, Israel, Sweden, Finland), resulting in more than 25 scientific publications [20]. Depending on the study, variations in incidence have been observed over time or not. They generally appear to be related to changes in the frequency of screening and/or improvements in the methods of screening and analysis of tumours [21]. In any case, these variations do not correspond to those expected if the associations (relative risks) reported in the studies at the origin of the IARC classification were real, as illustrated by the graphs taken from one of these studies (Figure 4) [22].

Usage telephonie mobile incidence gliomes australie
Figure 4. (A) Evolution of mobile phone use in the study population from 1987 to 2014; (B) Evolution of glioma incidence in Australia compared to theoretical expected curves (in red) from the studies behind the IARC classification. [Source: Chapman S. et al., 2016 / Publication: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.canep.2016.04.010]
All these incidence studies do not confirm a causal link between the occurrence of brain tumours in the population and mobile phone use over the last decades. The hypothesis of an increased risk in the case of regular and very intensive use of mobile phones remains difficult, if not impossible, to verify or refute given the rarity of these pathologies and the fact that the sub-group concerned is a minority in the population.

4. Children’s exposure

Radiofrequences jeunes téléphones mobiles
Figure 5. group of young people with a mobile phone. [Source: royalty-free / Pixabay]
Children are considered a potentially more vulnerable population as they are still developing (Figure 5). In addition, they are likely to use wireless communication tools at a very early age, and therefore over a longer period of time during their lives. In 2011, the Dutch Health Council considered that there was no cause for concern, but that further research was needed, especially in the long term [23]. In France, ANSES produced a dedicated report on this topic in 2016 [24]. According to the experts’ analysis, the available data do not show any effect of RF on behaviour, auditory functions, teratogenic effects and development, male and female reproductive systems, carcinogenic effects, immune system or systemic toxicity in children. The exposure of children’s heads, in terms of SAR, could be higher than that of adults due to their morphology, without exceeding the exposure limit values. The report mentions a “possible effect” (“limited evidence”) on cognitive functions (memory, learning, etc.) and well-being. According to the authors, these effects are probably not due to exposure to the waves, but to the use of connected devices by children. Some of the reported effects are beneficial, others are not, but none is confirmed. The question therefore remains open. In addition, studies show an association between “problematic use” (intensive and inappropriate) of mobile phones by young people and mental health problems (depression, suicidal thoughts, risky behavior). In its opinion, the agency recommends encouraging them to make reasonable use of mobile phones and discouraging the use of mobile communication devices by children under 14. However, the communication surrounding the report has led to some confusion between the possible effects of the use of communication tools and those of the waves. The ICNIRP, WHO and the European agency have not issued any specific recommendations for children.

It should be noted in passing that the Academies of Science, Medicine and Technology have examined the use of screens by children and adolescents, calling for reasoned vigilance regarding digital technologies [25].

5. Assessment of the state of knowledge

5.1. What do we know about risk?

In 2012, following the analysis of 33 reports published between 2009-2011 [26], Luc Verscheave, a toxicologist then member of the Belgian Scientific Institute of Public Health, wrote “All reports, with the exception of the BioInitiative report, conclude that there is no clear evidence of adverse health effects from exposure to radio frequencies from applications used for wireless communication. They remain generally cautious about long-term biological effects, not because of strong indications that such effects might occur, but only because of the lack of data available so far to draw a meaningful conclusion.[27]

Note that in 2013, as in 2009, the French Agency for Health Safety, Food, Environment and Work (Anses) invited to consider the “Bioinitiative” report [28] with caution because “it conceals conflicts of interest in several sections, does not correspond to a collective expertise, is of uneven quality according to the sections, and is written in an activist register.[29], which is in line with other analyses [30]. Since 2012, new expert reports have been produced in France (2013), the Netherlands (2016) [31] in Sweden (2018) [32] at the European level (2015) [33] Australia (2017) [34] in the USA (2020, focused on cancer) [35] for example, without bringing any substantial change to the state of knowledge. It appears that the studies with the highest risk of bias more often report effects, and it is then difficult to identify the origin of these effects. Conversely, those with good exposure characterization rarely suggest a significant effect at non-thermal exposure levels. There are always a few studies considered of good quality that show biological or physiological effects, sometimes even beneficial effects. These disparate results are considered limited evidence until the effects are demonstrated by a consistent and reproducible set of results. To date, the conclusions of scientific expert reports from around the world are consistent. They do not indicate a proven health risk from radio frequencies, nor do they indicate a biological mechanism that may underlie a risk for exposures within regulatory limits.

5.2. Is there any ongoing research?

The period of intense research on the subject is now over. Research is continuing more or less actively depending on the country. In France, the ANSES funds research projects every year. Two major epidemiological studies are underway for long-term exposure, over 15 years.

  • COSMOS study: involves about 300,000 people followed in 6 European countries, for 20-30 years, to study a possible association between health problems and the use of mobile phones or other wireless technologies.
  • MOBI-KIDS study (14 countries): the aim is to assess the potential link between brain tumours in children and young adults (10-24 years) and environmental risk factors, including the use of mobile communications.

A special effort is being made to characterize exposure, which has often been a weak point in this type of study. The arrival of 5G should give rise to a new wave of research, especially in the millimetre frequency bands around 26 GHz where there are few studies compared to the frequencies close to those already used for mobile telephony and WiFi. It therefore seems likely that few new studies will be conducted around 3.5 GHz.

6. Bringing elements of response

Couvertures magazines santé radiofréquences
Figure 6. Examples of french magazine covers on the topic of health and radio frequencies

The issue of radio frequency risk and wireless communications has multiple dimensions, from scientific and technical to societal and political. The development of these technologies in everyday life has had, and will continue to have, major repercussions on habits and lifestyles. This explains the multiple facets of the controversies surrounding the new wireless communication technologies, where questions related to health aspects and the use of the technologies are intertwined with environmental and economic issues. A lot of erroneous information, “infoxes”, and even rumours circulate on the supposed dangers of waves, to defend causes, sell services or so-called “anti-wave” protection, become famous, oppose new technologies, satisfy an electorate, fight a battle… However, the media are fond of sensational news. They often contribute to the confusion by presenting all types of information on these subjects on the same level, whether they are scientifically validated or opinion based (Figure 6). In this context, scientific risk assessments are not intended to resolve controversies or dictate what should be done. On the other hand, science provides answers that enable decision-makers to take appropriate public health measures, among other things, and citizens to form an opinion. And, as with other health-environment issues, the most difficult thing is to sort through the information.

7. Messages to remember

Concerning the health aspects, we will retain that:

  • In the radio frequency range, the results of the scientific work conducted to date have not demonstrated the existence of a harmful effect, nor a plausible biological mechanism that could underlie a risk below the regulatory limit values.
  • The only known effect of radio frequencies is the thermal effect at high levels of exposure, which is not achieved with wireless technologies.
  • With regard to the effects of electromagnetic fields, the WHO considers that “the scientific knowledge acquired in this field is now more complete than that which we have on most chemicals[36].
  • In science, it is all a question of probability and level of proof. It is impossible to scientifically demonstrate an absence of effect, so an absence of risk will never be demonstrated, whatever the risk factor.

The media and social networks readily relay alarming testimonies and messages on the effects of waves based on an isolated study or hasty interpretations, or even on pure and simple allegations.

  • Considering the subject in its entirety, beyond the health issue, makes it possible to grasp the issues involved and to better decipher the information.
  • It is useful to cross-reference sources of information and to sharpen one’s critical mind in order to remain free in one’s opinion.

I would like to thank Catherine Yardin and Isabelle Lagroye for their careful review and comments on the biological and health aspects, and Allal Ouberehil on the technical aspects of wireless communications.


Notes and references

Cover image. [Source: Leon Brooks, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons – Tim Parkinson, CC BY 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons]

[1] EMF-portal, Natural radio frequency fields.

[2] Lawsuit claims cellular phones cause cancer, UPI archives, 3 January 1993.

[3] Borraz O., Devigne M., Salomon D., Controverses et mobilisations autour des antennes de téléphonie mobile, 2004, Rapport du centre de sociologie des organisations, 160 p.

[4] Kuster and Schönborn. 2000, Recommended minimal requirements and development guidelines for exposure setups of bio-experiments addressing the health risk concern of wireless communicationsBioelectromagnetics, 21:508-514.

[5] Souques M., Notions de base sur l’épidémiologie, 2009, SPS n° 286, July 2009. On afis.org

[6] See the dossier “Science and the media” in Science et Pseudosciences n°323 of the Association pour l’Information scientifique. On afis.org


[7] See the articles of H. Maisonneuve on afis.org/Herve-Maisonneuve

[8] Hill C., 2019, What do we know about the causes of cancer?

[9] https://monographs.iarc.fr/agents-classified-by-the-iarc/

[10] IARC Press Release, 31 May 2011

Full report published in 2013: IARC, 2013, Non-ionizing Radiation, Part 2: Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields, IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol. 102.

and IARC, 2013, Non-ionizing Radiation, Part 2: Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields, IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol. 102.

[11] THE INTERPHONE Study GROUP et al. (2010) Brain tumour risk in relation to mobile telephone use: results of the Interphone international case-control study. International J. Epidemiology 39(3):675-694.

[12] Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K. Pooled analysis of case-control studies on malignant brain tumours and the use of mobile and cordless phones including living and deceased subjects. Int J Oncol 2011; 38: 1465-74.

[13] Ahlbom et al, Epidemiologic Evidence on Mobile Phones and Tumor Risk: A Review (Epidemiology 2009; 20: 639-652)

[14] Coureau & al, 2014, Mobile phone use and brain tumours in the CERENAT case-control study. Occup Environ Med, 71(7):514-22.

[15] Mobile phone and tumor, what is the link? – Deciphering a recently published epidemiological study on the effects of telephone radio frequencies on the brain, and a look back at the over-mediation that has agitated the web with Dr Gaëlle Coureau. 22 May 2014, University of Bordeaux. On https://www.u-bordeaux.fr/

[16] Mobile phones and brain cancers: double zero score for Bordeaux study, 23 May 2014. Journalism and public health – The blog of Jean-Yves Nau, journalist and medical doctor. On jeanyvesnau.com

[17] Frei P et al Use of mobile phones and risk of brain tumours: update of Danish cohort study. BMJ 2011; 343: d6387. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d6387

[18] Benson VS et al Mobile phone use and risk of brain neoplasms and other cancers: prospective study. Int J Epidemiol 2013; 42: 792-802.

[19]Electromagnetic fields and public health: mobile phones, 8 October 2014

[20] These studies are listed in the EMF-Portal database, under Mobile communication, population studies, brain cancer. https://www.emf-portal.org/en/article/overview/mobile-communications-epidem/brain-cancer#level-2

[21] As an example, see reading note on the Australian publication released in late 2018:


[22] Chapman S. & al., 2016, Has the incidence of brain cancer risen in Australia since the introduction of mobile phones 29 years ago? Cancer Epidemiology, 42:199-205

[23] HCB, 2011, Influence of radiofrequency telecommunication signals on children’s brains.

[24] ANSES, report “Exposure to radio frequencies and children’s health”, June 2016. https://www.anses.fr/fr/search/site/rapport%20radiofr%C3%A9quences?searchphrase=1&mm=100&iso1=fr&iso2=en

[25] Academy of Sciences, New call “The child, the adolescent, the family and the screens”, Press release of 9 April 2019.


[26] Verschaeve L., Evaluations of International Expert Group Reports on the Biological Effects of Radiofrequency Fields, Wireless Communications and Networks, 2012, Recent Advances, Dr. Ali Eksim (Ed.), ISBN:978-953-51-0189-5, InTech. (translation and citation, A. Perrin).

[27] https://cdn.intechopen.com/pdfs/31625/InTech-Evaluations_of_international_expert_group_reports_on_the_biological_effects_of_radiofrequency_fields.pdf

[28] https://bioinitiative.org/

[29] Anses, update of the ” Radiofrequencies and health ” expertise, October 2013, http://www.anses.fr/sites/default/files/documents/AP2011sa0150Ra.pdf

[30] https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioinitiative

[31] Health council of Netherlands, 2016, Mobile phones and cancer, Part 3. Update and overall conclusions from epidemiological and animal studies

[32] Scientific Council of Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM), 2018,

Recent Research on EMF and Health Risk, Twelfth report from SSM’s Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields

[33] SCENIHR, “Potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF)”, March 2015. Summary sheet: http://ec.europa.eu/health/scientific_committees/docs/citizens_emf_fr.pdf

[34] Australian Radiation Protection Agency (ARPANSA), 2017,

Technical Report “Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Energy and Health: Research Needs, TR178

[35] Food and drug Administration (USA), 2020, Review of Published Literature between 2008 and 2018 of Relevance to Radiofrequency Radiation and Cancer. https://www.fda.gov/media/135043/download

[36] WHO, Electromagnetic fields – Summary of health effects https://www.who.int/peh-emf/about/WhatisEMF/fr/index1.html

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引用这篇文章: PERRIN Anne (2022年2月11日), Radiofrequencies and health : where are we ?, 环境百科全书,咨询于 2024年12月3日 [在线ISSN 2555-0950]网址: https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/en/health/radiofrequencies-health/.
